Case Study – Success in product manufacturing
Are you skeptical that companies can ever really elevate all three dimensions of sustainable development? Do you hold the view that business and the environment are at odds—that we must therefore 'balance' the two?
For a real-world example of smart practitioners finding ways to elevate all three dimensions (instead of just balancing two), check out the case study to the right.
And then if it makes sense to you, consider whether the mental picture of a 'balancing act' might hold you and/or your colleagues back from finding creative solutions.
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Lessons from
the Innovators
Over 25 years, a well-known chemistry company replaced two-thirds of its inputs with plant-based alternatives. This improved outcomes for people and planet, so they also grew market share—generating more jobs and profits. Since other impacts still need to be addressed, this isn't perfect. It's a step in the right direction
Connecting the key elements isn't easy; in fact, it's where the hard work is done. Consider the sustainability of their accomplishment.